Studio M.A. Baytaş


Independent studio practice

Based in Sweden, delivering worldwide

Booking work for Q4 2024


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Hiring platform

Web app for creative hiring platform, components and profile view
Web app for creative hiring platform, displayed on smartphone

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Crypto exchange

Web app design for a crypto exchange, displayed on laptop
Web app design for a crypto exchange, displayed on laptop

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Venture capital firm

Brand for venture capital firm Anticarbon, displayed on card
Moodboard for venture capital firm Anticarbon

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AI startup

Web app design for AI-powered conversation analysis, displayed on laptop
Web app design for AI-powered conversation analysis, displayed on laptop

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Beauty startup

Brand for an beauty startup, displayed on card
Landing page for beauty startup, displayed on laptop

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Various websites

Website for architecture studio, displayed on laptop
Landing page for an AI startup, displayed on tablet

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SaaS startup

Responsive web design for Maple, displayed on smartphone
Brand guidelines for Maple
Responsive web design for Maple, displayed on laptop
Responsive web design for Maple, displayed on laptop

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Venture studio

Logo guidelines
Vision poster

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Experimental projects

Hoodie with 'design Engineer' printed on the chest
Responsive web app design for VV.Ventures, displayed on laptop and smartphone
Responsive web app for Design Navigator, displayed on tablet
Landing page for an AI startup, displayed on tablet
Website page for an design publication, displayed on laptop
Social media feed for a design publication, displayed on smartphone

Art & Research

2012–2023 I was an academic researcher (MA, PhD, postdoc) in human-computer interaction design.

I published 30+ scientific papers and 4 open source software projects, co-founded the first design lab and research center in Turkey, and raised $4M to fund research groups in Turkey and Sweden.

Articles on Google Scholar →


Dr. Mehmet Aydın Baytaş

413 18 Göteborg, Sweden

Turkish/Swedish designer and engineer.

Building web products and companies.

Ex-academic R&D, PhD in human-computer interaction design.

Degrees in mechanical engineering and economics. Certifications in AI, finance, product strategy, etc.

Publishing Design Disciplin

Full Bio →